Well-Being Resources

Always Growing

We're all a work in progress. Find new growth in these resources for mental, physical, and spiritual wellness.

The Counseling and Wellness Center believes college is a time of change, growth, inquiry, and development. They help students learn healthy coping skills for stressors of that time. 

How They Can Help:

  • Brief Consultations
  • Group Counseling
  • Short-Term Individual Counseling
  • Case Management
  • Couples/Relationship Counseling
  • Crisis Support
  • Support Letters
  • Alcohol & Other Drug Services
  • Psychiatry
Thrive With The CWC

If you have an emergency, please call 911, consult your doctor, or go directly to the emergency room. 

1515 SW Archer Road
Gainesville, Florida 32608

Hours of Operation:
24 hours a day

Learn More

The mission of the University of Florida Student Health Care Center (SHCC) is to help every student achieve optimal health in pursuing personal and academic success.

The SHCC is an accredited outpatient clinic staffed by licensed, board-certified medical professionals who provide UF students with health and wellness care. Their medical staff are physicians (MDs), physician assistants (PAs), advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs), registered nurses (RNs), and health support technicians (HSTs).

Receive primary, specialty, emergency, and urgent care at SCHH.

Emergencies (Life-Threatening): CALL 911

Schedule an Appointment

LivingWorks safeTALK:
Learn how to reach out to someone thinking about suicide and help them keep safe by promptly connecting them to further support. 

Register for safeTALK training.

Question, Persuade & Refer (QPR)

The QPR course covers myths regarding suicide, warning signs, and how to inquire about suicides.

Request a group QPR training.

Explore more resources from the Counseling and Wellness Center

U Matter, We Care connects the UF community with a network of programs focused on health, safety, and holistic well-being. 


Nourish Your Dimensions of Wellbeing


Let us know what you're searching for! Student Success aims to connect the UF community and enhance the student experience.