
Transition Advisor
Sierra McVeigh
Transition Advisor
A first-gen double Gator, I earned my degrees in mechanical engineering at UF. As a result of the continued practices of mindful reflection and journaling, I changed my major in my first undergraduate year and transitioned between several career goals throughout my college journey. I’m continuing my education and changing what I study all the time! Now, as a Certified Workplace Mindfulness Facilitator (CWMF), Yin Yoga instructor, Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP), and Certified Personal Trainer (NASM-CPT), my work with students is heavily influenced by my expertise in mindfulness, wellness, and career planning and development.
I’m also passionate about conversations that lead to a suicide-safer community. This is why I’m a LivingWorks ASIST suicide intervention caregiver and a trainer for safeTALK, suicide alertness for everyone.
Experiences like immersive travel, participation in university and community events, engagement in a variety of student organizations, and internships were critical components of my UF Success Story.
Just as important were the relationships I made along the way, with staff and faculty in my college as well as those outside my area of study. Networking is about creating connections, learning from and sharing with others, and developing cultural and occupational competencies. It all comes down to talking with people, so reach out and let’s talk!