Steps for Success: After Classes Start

Green gator tracks

1. Map Out Your Semester

Important UF dates and deadlines for each semester can be found in the UF Catalog. For now, be sure to note when the Drop/Add period ends. During Drop/Add, review Canvas – that’s where your classes post their syllabi. Look through the syllabus for each class, noting important dates and deadlines as well as other details that are important to you. Finally, adjust your schedule as desired via ONE.UF. Many students swap their coursework around during Drop/Add, so a seat that wasn’t available before may become available during Drop/Add. Make sure that your schedule is fully set by the end of Drop/Add!  

Just remember this is your FIRST semester and you don't need to overextend yourself! Remember to focus on your classes, because that's why you are here, and focus on yourself and your well-being!
    - Anden Arnold, rising Junior



I believe that half the battle of academic success is related to showing up (e.g., for class, for studying, for taking notes, for doing assignments, for your future). Read the syllabus before the first class and put important dates in your calendar or on your wall. Schedule your study time for each class weekly and keep to it like a job, but also schedule time to relax, exercise, take care of yourself. Work hard consistently, ask for help when you need it, and seize some of the abundant opportunities here. UF has so much to offer, and if you strive for success, you will achieve it.
    - Dr. Jodi Lane, Professor and Associate Chair, Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law



2. Establish Good Habits

Throughout the semester, monitor your ONE.UF, Gatormail, & Canvas regularly. Develop a system that works for you to stay organized with all your classes as well as the things you get involved with outside the classroom, such as student organizations or fitness classes. There’s a LOT to consider, so establishing an individual routine, and sticking to it, can be difficult! Use resources such as CLAS Academic Resources and Gatorwell to help you stay on track. 

That first semester can feel overwhelming. My biggest advice would be to utilize the resources that are available to you. Check in with an academic advisor, go to your professor during office hours, book a room to study in the library, and visit the CWC. It's completely okay to ask for help, and you have so many people who want to see you succeed. This is a big transition. Take a deep breath and remember you are meant to be here!
    - Kyra Frazine, rising Senior


Staying organized, using campus resources, and engaging in classes are key to success. Build a routine, prioritize self-care, and be proactive with assignments. Form study groups, seek feedback, and stay adaptable. Embrace challenges as opportunities to grow, and you'll set yourself up for a successful year.
    - Woody Noel, Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering Academic Advisor


Get involved! UF has a variety of clubs for students to get connected with. Don't go through this alone! Finding people who share your interests is a great way to feel seen and build lasting friendships. I know it can be a challenge to engage with new people, but I promise, it can also be worth it.
    - Jackie Gilley (She/Her), Academic Advisor I, School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences


The single most under-utilized resource is attending your professor's office hours. You don't need to have an issue to attend office hours. I promise it will make a difference in your learning journey!
    - Dr. Anita Anantharam (Dr. A), Associate Professor, Religion Department 




3. Meet Your Academic Advisor

Academic advisors are here to help you understand the requirements for your academic program, reflect on your experiences (both challenges and successes), explore academic pathways, refer you to resources, and translate UF policies and procedures into action items. They do a lot! Because your academic advisor is a resource throughout your entire UF experience, it can be immensely helpful to meet them in your first semester. They can be quite busy when registration for the next semester starts, so plan ahead!  

Be proactive in talking to your advisors about struggles you are having. We can help provide resources and information to help you make informed decisions about questions or concerns you are facing.
    - Rachel Sherman (she/her), Academic Advisor, College of Design, Construction and Planning


Don’t be afraid to ask questions! No one expects you to know it all, especially right away. Advisors are here to help guide you.
    - Layne Weitzel, Academic Advisor, College of Journalism & Communications


Talk with an academic advisor in your major during your first semester. Keep that relationship going throughout your undergraduate career. Advisors can help you navigate the many regulations and requirements of your degree program. They can also assist with ongoing course selections, opportunities for research and volunteer work, engagement with extracurricular and social activities, and so much more. 
    - Dr. Darragh Devine, Professor, Psychology 




A headshot of Dr. Sophie Spratley superimposed over a black background with orange bokeh.

Dr. Sophie Spratley

You are not on your journey alone. Work to build relationships with your peers, faculty, and staff that will help you feel connected to college. Use your support networks, both personal and on campus, and visit your academic advisor. Your academic advisor can help you set educational and personal goals, connect you with campus resources, and is a consistent relationship you will have throughout your time in college. Enjoy your college experience and advocate for yourself.