Next Meeting: August

The Student Success Collaborative will resume in August. An exact date is to be determined.



  • Share the latest information with the university community about activities in the UF Student Success unit and other units on campus supporting students’ success.
  • Provide a forum for the campus-wide coordination of student success efforts, as desired and appropriate.
  • Allow for the discovery of barriers to and opportunities for greater success of our students.
  • Serve as a larger vetting forum for cross-functional workgroups engaged in student success work.

Membership & Format

  • Town hall format, with opportunities for group discussion.
  • Zoom-based, monthly meetings for maximum participation, with semi-annual opportunities for in-person engagement.
  • Open to all of campus, but with the intention that all units have a vested interest in maintaining representation.
  • Email Steph McBride at if you would like to be sent monthly reminders about the meetings.

Submit Agenda Items

  • Each month, agenda items should be sent to Steph McBride at no later than noon on the Friday before the meeting.
  • Identify whether the item is a discussion item, announcement, or other (please explain)
Past Agendas Get caught up on the talking points from previous Student Success Collaborative meetings.


UF Student Success is your partner is creating a positive campus experience.